Hector Fiore

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== http://fiore.art.pl ==
== '''http://fiore.art.pl''' ==
'''Hector Fiore''', flutist and composer graduated in Argentina and Europe. In 1982 he obtained a Diploma in Composition of the UNLP. For 15 years, 1986-2001 resided permanently in Europe. Conducted post-graduate studies at the Jagiellonian University and the Academy of Music in Krakow, where he earned the title of Master of Arts. He has done advanced studies in Europe and America with Luigi Nono, Dieter Schnabel, Jean Claude Risset, Boguslaw Schaeffer, Richard Boulanger, Luc Ferrari, Arne Norheim, Felix Rengli, among others. He received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and Art and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of Poland from 1986 to 1989 and the Organization of American Contemporary Music Courses in 1986. He won the Composition Competition of the FBA, UNLP in 1982. [http://fiore.art.pl]
<http://fiore.art.pl> Hector Fiore, flautista y compositor diplomado en Argentina y en Europa. En 1982 obtuvo el Diploma de Composicion de la UNLP. Durante 3 lustros, 1986-2001 residio en forma permanente en Europa. Realizo estudios de postgrado en la Universidad de Jagiellones y en la Academia de Musica de Cracovia, en donde obtuvo el titulo de Master of Arts. Ha realizado estudios de perfeccionamiento en Europa y America con Luigi Nono, Dieter Schnabel, Jean Claude Risset, Boguslaw Schaeffer, Richard Boulanger, Luc Ferrari, Arne Norheim, Felix Rengli, entre otros. Fue becario del Ministerio de Cultura y Arte y del Ministerio de Educacion de la Republica Popular de Polonia desde 1986 a 1989 y de la Organizacion de los Cursos Latinoamericanos de Musica Contemporanea en 1986. Fue ganador del Concurso de Composicion de la FBA, UNLP en 1982.
As a composer and performer uses electronic technology, integrating image, movement and sound, in projects which plays flute, computers and other live instruments. Of all the works that are currently listed in his catalog, more than 80% have already been released in concerts in Europe, America and Asia. As a performer has performed compositions themselves and others in over 300 performances at festivals, theaters, concert halls and art galleries in Europe, America and Asia. Some composers like B. Schaeffer, S. Berg, G. Pstrokonska and K. Pyzik, have composed works specifically to be performed by Fiore for his recitals and performances. His work “Las vaquitas son ajenas”, (catalog number 30), charango and computer is the first electroacoustic work for mixed media with this formation, released commercially on CD in Europe. His work “Un romance en tiempo de candombe” represented Poland and Argentina at the First European Conference of Electroacoustic Music in Vienna, AUSTRIA, 1998. [http://fiore.art.pl/es/obras]
Como compositor e interprete utiliza tecnologia electronica, integrando lenguajes como la imagen, el movimiento y el sonido, en proyectos en los cuales interpreta flauta, computadoras y otros instrumentos en vivo. De todas las obras que actualmente figuran en su catalogo, mas del 80% han sido ya estrenadas en conciertos en Europa, America y Asia. Como interprete ha presentado trabajos propios y de otros autores en mas de 300 recitales en festivales, teatros, salas de concierto y galerias de arte en Europa, America y Asia. Algunos compositores como B.Schaeffer, S.Berg, G.Pstrokonska o K.Pyzik, han compuesto obras especialmente para ser interpretadas por Fiore durante sus recitales y performances. Su obra Las vaquitas son ajenas, (numero de catalogo 30), para charango y computadora es la primera obra electroacustica para medios mixtos con esta formacion, editada comercialmente en CD en Europa. Su obra Un romance en tiempo de candombe, represento a Polonia y Argentina en la Primera Conferencia Europea de Musica Electroacustica en Viena, AUSTRIA, en 1998.
Founding member of “F & F Project”, ARGENTINA. Since 1989 he is member of “Muzyka Centrum” in Krakow, contributing annually to the European music calendar Krakow-Stuttgart Workshop and Festival Audio Art. Since 1998 is part with K. Pyzik (Krakow) of PERIPETIES Improvisation Duo. He created the Integrated Arts section of the Meeting of Multiple Languages (MLP Culture 2001) and sound artist in the ongoing project in Vienna Viceversa. He has been artistic director of the First Cycle of Argentinean Contemporary Music in Poland and consultant in Staggione Lirica di Taormina Festival in Italy. Jury was in electroacoustic composition biennial competition EAR-99 Magyar Radio in Budapest, HUNGARY, and the International Electroacoustic Music Forum (Rostrum) of UNESCO (Vienna, AUSTRIA, 1998). [http://fiore.art.pl/es/proffesionalrelations]          [http://fiore.art.pl/es/distinciones]
HECTOR FIORE "ECLOSION" by "Muzyka Centrum" Ensemble: [http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xj40hu_hector-fiore-eclosion-by-muzyka-centrum_music]
HECTOR FIORE "Alma Llanera" by Pedro Elías Gutierrez.
"F&F Project" with OMAR FARIAS, percussion & drums.
Experimental popular music version. This video was live recorded at the international “Lenguajes Múltiples” festival in La Plata, ARGENTINA:  [http://www.vimeo.com/22816221]
[[Image:A_yupanqui.jpg]] [[Image:Astor-piazzolla.jpg]]
Es miembro fundador del F&F Project, ARGENTINA. Desde 1989 es integrante de Muzyka Centrum en Cracovia, aportando anualmente al calendario de la musica europea el Taller Krakow-Stuttgart y el Festival Audio Art. Desde 1998 forma parte junto a K.Pyzik (Cracovia) del Peripeties Improvisation Duo. Fue creador de la seccion de Artes Integradas del Encuentro de Lenguajes Multiples (MLP Cultura 2001) y artista de sonido en el proyecto permanente Viceversa en VIENA. Ha sido director artistico del Primer Ciclo de Musica Contemporanea Argentina en Polonia y consultor en la Staggione Lirica di Taormina en ITALIA. Fue Jurado en el concurso bienal de composicion electroacustica EAR-99 de Radio Magyar en Budapest, HUNGRIA, y en el Foro Internacional de Musica Electroacustica (Rostrum) de la UNESCO (Viena, AUSTRIA, 1998).
His academic output has been published and has lectured and participated in conferences and symposia at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende in Vienna at the Academy of Music and the Pedagogical Academy of Krakow, also at UNLP, UNLa, UNL, UNMdP and in various academic units of the Directorate of Higher Arts Education (Buenos Aires) in Argentina. In Europe he was Professor of Composition and Interpretation with Computer at Workshop in New Music Krakow / Stuttgart (1991 - 2006) and in the course of performing music of the twentieth century in Bestrzyca Klodzka (1998 - 2007). In Argentina he is professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and the Artistic Direction of Higher Education of the Province of Buenos Aires.[http://fiore.art.pl/es/musicapopular]
Su produccion academica ha sido publicada y ha dictado conferencias y participado en congresos y simposios en la Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende en Viena, en la Academia de Musica y en la Academia Pedagogica de Cracovia, tambien en la UNLP, UNLa, UNL, UNMdP y en diversas unidades academicas de la Direccion de Educacion Artistica Superior (Bs. As.) en Argentina. En Europa fue profesor de Composicion e Interpretacion con Computadoras en los Talleres de Musica Nueva Krakow/Stuttgart (1991 - 2006) y en el Curso de Interpretacion de Musica del S.XX en Bestrzyca Klodzka (1998 - 2007). En Argentina es profesor titular en la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y en la Direccion de Educacion Artistica Superior de la Prov. de Buenos Aires.
[[http://fiore.art.pl]] http://fiore.art.pl
[[http://www.example.com link title]]
[http://www.myspace.com/hfiore] myspace
[https://twitter.com/#!/hector_fiore] twitter
[http://www.vimeo.com/hfiore] vimeo
[http://www.youtube.com/user/HELFStudio?blend=2&ob=5] youtube channel

Latest revision as of 06:49, 10 June 2011

[edit] http://fiore.art.pl

Hector Fiore, flutist and composer graduated in Argentina and Europe. In 1982 he obtained a Diploma in Composition of the UNLP. For 15 years, 1986-2001 resided permanently in Europe. Conducted post-graduate studies at the Jagiellonian University and the Academy of Music in Krakow, where he earned the title of Master of Arts. He has done advanced studies in Europe and America with Luigi Nono, Dieter Schnabel, Jean Claude Risset, Boguslaw Schaeffer, Richard Boulanger, Luc Ferrari, Arne Norheim, Felix Rengli, among others. He received a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and Art and the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of Poland from 1986 to 1989 and the Organization of American Contemporary Music Courses in 1986. He won the Composition Competition of the FBA, UNLP in 1982. [1] 8teto encomiendas.jpg

As a composer and performer uses electronic technology, integrating image, movement and sound, in projects which plays flute, computers and other live instruments. Of all the works that are currently listed in his catalog, more than 80% have already been released in concerts in Europe, America and Asia. As a performer has performed compositions themselves and others in over 300 performances at festivals, theaters, concert halls and art galleries in Europe, America and Asia. Some composers like B. Schaeffer, S. Berg, G. Pstrokonska and K. Pyzik, have composed works specifically to be performed by Fiore for his recitals and performances. His work “Las vaquitas son ajenas”, (catalog number 30), charango and computer is the first electroacoustic work for mixed media with this formation, released commercially on CD in Europe. His work “Un romance en tiempo de candombe” represented Poland and Argentina at the First European Conference of Electroacoustic Music in Vienna, AUSTRIA, 1998. [2] Napc 0921.JPG

Founding member of “F & F Project”, ARGENTINA. Since 1989 he is member of “Muzyka Centrum” in Krakow, contributing annually to the European music calendar Krakow-Stuttgart Workshop and Festival Audio Art. Since 1998 is part with K. Pyzik (Krakow) of PERIPETIES Improvisation Duo. He created the Integrated Arts section of the Meeting of Multiple Languages (MLP Culture 2001) and sound artist in the ongoing project in Vienna Viceversa. He has been artistic director of the First Cycle of Argentinean Contemporary Music in Poland and consultant in Staggione Lirica di Taormina Festival in Italy. Jury was in electroacoustic composition biennial competition EAR-99 Magyar Radio in Budapest, HUNGARY, and the International Electroacoustic Music Forum (Rostrum) of UNESCO (Vienna, AUSTRIA, 1998). [3] [4]

HECTOR FIORE "ECLOSION" by "Muzyka Centrum" Ensemble: [5]

HECTOR FIORE "Alma Llanera" by Pedro Elías Gutierrez. "F&F Project" with OMAR FARIAS, percussion & drums. Experimental popular music version. This video was live recorded at the international “Lenguajes Múltiples” festival in La Plata, ARGENTINA: [6]

A yupanqui.jpg Astor-piazzolla.jpg

His academic output has been published and has lectured and participated in conferences and symposia at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende in Vienna at the Academy of Music and the Pedagogical Academy of Krakow, also at UNLP, UNLa, UNL, UNMdP and in various academic units of the Directorate of Higher Arts Education (Buenos Aires) in Argentina. In Europe he was Professor of Composition and Interpretation with Computer at Workshop in New Music Krakow / Stuttgart (1991 - 2006) and in the course of performing music of the twentieth century in Bestrzyca Klodzka (1998 - 2007). In Argentina he is professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and the Artistic Direction of Higher Education of the Province of Buenos Aires.[7]

[[8]] http://fiore.art.pl

[9] myspace

[10] twitter

[11] vimeo

[12] youtube channel

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