Czeslaw Minkus
Since 1975 he has participated in concerts, exhibitions and interdisciplinary projects in festivals and symposia devoted to modern art in Poland and abroad. He is member of - the Polish Society for Contemporary Music (the PTMW), the Association of Polish Visual Artists (the ZPAP), the Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music (the PSeME) and Fort Sztuki Association (the SFS), as well as the founder and leader of the MUSIC MEDIA ART ENSEMBLE, TMA Studio.
Starting from 1980 he has been investigating the mutual relationship between sound and image and other manifestations of intuitive and constuctive forms of potential communication and media spaces/worlds.
It is while searching for new contexts and tensions between those worlds/spaces that he composes his cycles of concerts. During his perfomances he uses the tools and technologies, both traditional and modern ones, which offer optimal possibilities of combining visual and phonic art and creating sophisticated and diverse audio-visual compositions. This multi-layer structure combines the elements of various types (aspects) of art into a modern form of an indivisible and unpredicatble whole.
He realizes untypical music scores (graphic, space nad video scores).
In his compositions he makes use of such forms as music-media concerts, sound theatre, art film, performance, audio-visual installation and net-art projects. He also performs solo concerts for trumpet and electronic instruments, with the use of MIDI navigators, sound processors, computers, light sensors, lasers, integrated vidio projections, as well as bio-physical objects.
An important aspect of some of his works is the deformation of sounds, both acoustic (i.e. by using pipes, metal plates and interiors with unique acoustics) and electronic deformation. The sound of trumpet is often subject to various transformations which likens it to an electronic medium.
For a certain period of time he co-operated with the trumpeter and composer Tomasz Stanko. In 1984 they set up the Special Multimedia Quintet ( realisation - the Stu Theatre, Krakow). He also co-operated temporarily with other musicians from the circles of new jazz, improvised music, sound theatre, electo-acoustic and electronic music and many other media artists.
In 1990 he opened the Trans Media Art Studio and created the cycles of integrated audio-visual compositions which he performed in Poland and abroad. In 2000 he started the MMAE formation (Music Media Art Ensemble) to which he invited musicians, media artists and other performers, depending on the specificity of particular projects.
Selected performances
1990 ? AVE Festival - performance of the space/music composition TRANSMUTATIONS - I
for solo trumpet, tapes and an installation of acoustic metal plates - OCEAAN Gallery, Arnhem., Holland.
1991 ? 25th anniversary of the STU Theatre in Krakow - performance of the TRANSMUTATIONS - I
concert (version 2) for solo trumpet, tapes, an installation of acoustic metal plates and a system of microphones - the STU Theatre in Krakow, Poland.
? WALGAMEDIOS - presentation of video documentation of TRANSMUTATIONS - I Galeria deArte Walgamedios, Madrid, Spain. ? AVE Festival . performance of the audio visual composition FIGURES of LIGHT for electronically transformed solo trumpet and integral installation of laser sequences - Willemen Centre, Arnhem, Holland.
? New Vision Festival - presentation of the video documentation of TRANSMUTATIONS-I - Glasgow, Scotland.
? MEDIAWAVE `92 Festival of Visual Arts - presentation of the video documentation of TRANSMUTATIONS-I - Gyor, Hungary.
? Participation in the project titled: "Konnen die deutsche intelektuelle die welt retten ?? -
-Verbandwahlschiften Gallerie - Kassel, Germany.
? MEDIAWAVE `93 Festival of Visual Arts- performance of the music/space composition TRANSMUTATIONS-II for solo trumpet, tapes and installation of acoustic metal pipes (aerophones) - Gyor, Hungary. ? WALGAMEDIOS - presentation of the video documentation of TRANSMUTATIONS-II - Galeria deArte Walgamedios, Madrid, Spain
? FORT SZTUKI Art Association - performance of the music/space compostion TRANSMUTATIONS-II for solo trumpet, tapes and installation of acoustic metal pipes with a system of microphones and loudspeakers
? The 10th CRACOVIAN MEETINGS Festival - performance of the music/media composition MUSIC FOR THE DALMATIANS for electronically transformed trumpet and violin quartet performing to score created in real time by the movements of seven dalmatians in a defined space (enclosure) and integrated video projections.
2/ realisation of the music/space compostion TIME SYMPHONY (audio-installation) for sixteen
? POST SOUND ART - Intermedia - Triskel Arts Centre - presentation of the audio video installation T-MULTIPLE ? Cork, Ireland. ? In the area of the Gdansk Shipyard: realisation of "TRANSMUTATIONS - II" for solo trumpet inside monumental tube - like metal objects (video documentation by Yach Paszkiewicz). The Gdansk Shipyard and TV Gdansk. ? Realisation of the music film "Apocalypsis - VII Transmutations" including recrodings, editings and compilation in the studios of TVP Warszawa, and musical pieces "VII - Transmutations" for solo trumpet edited electronically in the Experimental Music Studio of the Polish Radio in Warsaw. (Cooperation Yach Paszkiewicz, Tadeusz Sudnik) - played by the 2nd Channel TVP. ? WRO - MONITOR POLSKI Festival - presentation of the film APOCALYPSIS - Seven Transmutations made by the author for Channel 2 of the Polish TV (in co-operation with Yach Paszkiewicz,
bewegung?- presentation of the Audio Visual Art composition SPIEL SPIEL SPIEL for electronically transformed trumpet, interactive graphic system of releasing of sound material, figures moving on the graphic score and integrated video projections. 2/ presentation of the photo documentation and music scores ? KUNSTVEREIN, Friedrichshafen, Germany. 1999
? AUDIO ART Festival? presentation of the music/media composition TO WALK for multi-screen (7) projections of video scores, audio tape and the instrumental group Music Media Art Ensemble (Cz.T.Minkus, K.Suchodolski, M.Czarnecki) - Centre for Contemporary Art, the Ujazdowki Castle, Warszawa. 2001 ? FORT SZTUKI Art Association ? performance of the audio visual composition TO WALK (video-score projections, audio tape, and live electro-acoustic music) Music Media Art Ensemble (Cz.T.Minkus, K.Suchodolski,) ? Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, Ireland.
2002 ? SCENA X ? realisation of the music/media composition FLASH BX 1 for integrated panoramic projection of audio visual samples (video-score) and the MMAE performing live electro-acoustic music
? LE LAVOIR MODERNE PARISIEN ? 8 May 2002 ? Paris. ? LE THEATRE 347 ? 11 May 2002 ? Paris.
Contemporary Europe Project NOWA FABRYKA Festival? Paris ? Cracovie - presentation of the music/ media composition TO WALK for integrated multi-screen projections of video scores (digital edition of audio video samples.), audio tape and the MMAE performing electro- acoustic music (Cz.T.Minkus, K.Suchodolski ).
Performance of the audio visual art composition FLS-BX vers. for integrated multi-screen projections of computer-processed video material (audio - video samples) and the MMAE
2003 ? Krzysztofory Gallery, NIPAF / FORT SZTUKI Association Festival - performance of the music/media concert FLASH BX1 for electronically transformed solo trumpet, EWI, Morpheus- synthesiser, live mix sound tracks, panoramic multi-channel projections of video samples -
tel.+48/12/421-75-01 , tel.kom:0607 50-91-01
The selection of music-and-media works
created between 1990 ? 2001
? Transmutations ? I (1990)
A spacial-musical composition for solo trumpet, tapes and installations of acoustically active metal plates with microphone/sound emission system.
? Figures of Light (1991)
An integral audio-visual concert for electronically processed (muted) trumpet, acoustic and wired instruments, interactive installation of three-dimentional laser beams (figures) and a group of female gymnasts (versions).
? Transmutations ? II (1992)
A spacial-musical composition for single trumpet, tapes and installations of acoustically active metal pipe-like objects and a microphone/sound emission system.
? Kolumnada ? X (1993)
An audio-visual installation consisting of column-like objects arranged within the space and covered with scores, special lighting and a system of speakers (microphones), other sound modules and tapes. (versions)
? T ? Multiple (1993)
An audio-visual installation using 6-9 tv monitores (versions) fixed on certain hight within the space, video tapes with homogeneous audio-video material projected symultaneously, with planned delay
? SPH.Punctatus (1994)
A music/media spectacle belonging to the ?Modern Duets? series, designed for an electronically processed (muted) trumpet and tapes, and a female dancer (ballet movement within the particular space ? score) using a live video projection (versions).
? Music for Dalmatians (1995)
A special music/visual concert for electric trumpet and a string quartet, for which the score is a living graphics effet created by 7 dalmatians moving within an enclosed space ? board, together with coinciding video projections.
? Time Symphony (1995)
A spacial sound/visual installation for audio tapes, active speakers/monitores (8-24) particularly placed within the space, and for digital LED projectors (versions).
? GAME game GAME (1996)
A chamber concert for one performer (electric/acoustic instruments), interactive light-sensitive music emission system, strong light sources, glass board-score, black and white mobile figures, and linked video projections.
? To Walk (2000)
An audio-visual composition belonging to the ?Video Scores? series, designed for 2 to 5 musicians and multi- screen projections of video-scores (computer edited film materials) realized in actual time-span.
? Athletics (2000)
A music/media spectacle for electric trumpet, percussion, group of electric instruments, voices, a team of bodybuilders, and an integrated system of cameras and video projectors (live recording, mix, screening).
? Flashbakcs (2001)
A music/media concert for electronically processed (muted) trumpet, vocals, group of electric/acoustic instruments and multi-screen panoramic video projections- samples (computer edition of film documentaries) ? audio-video memory tracks of the author