Intonarumori Contest
From PSeME - Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music
On March 11, 2013, in the day of 100th Anniversary of Art of Noise by Luigi Russolo
Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music in cooperation with
Studio for Electroacoustic Music of the Academy of Music in Krakow
opened 2-weeks contest for
self-build instrument related to the original plans of Luigi Russolo
the instrument will be a part of The Noise Orchestra and its premiere performance during The Orchestra ElektroNova concet at Solvay Art Center (Zakopianska Str. 62, Krakow)
on March 26, 2013 at 8.00 P.M.
more information and suggestion (refunds of the material costs) available at
Marek Choloniewski
President of Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music