Krzysztof Knittel

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KRZYSZTOF KNITTEL (born 1947, in Warsaw)

Studied sound engineering and composition (with Tadeusz Baird, Andrzej Dobrowolski, Wlodzimierz Kotonski) at the Academy of Music in Warsaw; computer music with Lejaren Hiller. Since 1973 he has cooperated with the Experimental Studio of Polish Radio. In 1978 he was working at the Center of the Creative and Performing Arts in Buffalo, USA. In 1985 he was honoured with the "Solidarity" Award in music for his string quartet. Co-founder of live electronic and intuitive music groups such as: KEW composers group (1973-76), Cytula Tyfun da Bamba Orchestra (1981), Independent Electroacoustic Music Studio (1982-84); Light from Poland (1985-87), co-fouder of the Freight Train (group of poets, artists, film & video makers, jazz & rock musicians (since 1986). In 1988 he founded the Studio CH&K (together with Marek Choloniewski). Co-founder of the European Improvisation Orchestra (Copenhagen, 1996). Krzysztof Knittel composes instrumental, electronic and computer music, music for theatre, film and tv, makes sound installations. In 1989-92 he was vice-president of the Polish Society for Contemporary Music. In 1995 - 97 he was vice-president of the Polish Composers Union. Since 1990 he organized new music concerts in The Center for Contemporary Art in Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw (Audio Art Festivals). In 1995-98 he was director of the International Festival for Contemporary Music "Warsaw Autumn". In 1998 he was awarded by the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts (New York). In 1999-2003 he was the President of Polish Composers Union. He teaches computer music at the Lodz Academy of Music. Since 2005 he is the President of the Polish Music Council.

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