Magdalena Dlugosz
Since 1999, she has been a member of the Repertoire Committee of the ?Warsaw Autumn? International Festival of Contemporary Music. Sinmce 2005 she is director of Ear Training Faculty at the Academy of Music in Krakow.
COMPOSITIONS: Quaerens for tape (1977) Visus for 5 instruments and tape (1978) Gay for tape (1978) Modus for tape (1979-80) Spatial Arrangement for small orchestra and electronic devices (1980) Pulsations for tape (1983) Mictlan I for tape (1987) Mictlan II for accordion, digital echo devices and tape (1988) Both Yes and No for tape (1990) At the Spring for tape (1990-91) Lenyon for tape (1994-95) Patjan for percussion and tape (1996-97) TaBaMa for tape (1997-98) TaBar for electronically transformed double-bass and computer sound layer (1998-2000) Zakopane lyrics for electronically modified clarinet and computer sound layer (1999-2000) Ombraggio for violin and electroacoustic track (2001-2002) Ombrarchetto for tape (2003)
Ombrarchetto (2003) for tape. The piece was composed for the 30th anniversary of the Electroacoustic Music Studio of the Academy of Music in Krakow. The composition has close reference to Ombraggio for violin and electroacoustic track. I am very gratefull to Kaja Danczowska and Andrzej Bauer for giving the sound material, which were the inspiration for the piece.